Science Sketches…the two minute challenge!

Effective communication of research is a crucial skill for individual scientists and is essential for successful public engagement in science. The website was founded to empower scientists to communicate and promote their research in an easily digestible format to the public, funders, journalists, the government, and other scientists. With just a few hours of work, you can generate a 2-minute video to convey the big-picture message of your science. Join us to get started on creating a video of your own!

Course capacity: 48
Fee: NONE! Come learn how to sketch your science!

**This workshop kicks off the first ever myCHOICE Sketch Your Science competition where the grand prize for your 2 minute video is a hefty $500! You don’t have to attend the workshop in order to enter the competition, but attending will certainly give you a leg up on those who don’t. Learn more here.

Date & Time


Course Instructor

Liam Holt, PhD
Assistant Professor, New York University

Liam is from a small village in Blighty, a small Island in the North East Atlantic. He did cancer research in Madrid for a bit then a Ph. D. in the UCSF Tetrad program  (highly recommended), was a Bowes Fellow at UC Berkeley and is now an Assistant Professor at NYU in the Institute for Systems Genetics.

Liam is interested in biological information processing, which can be thought about using the approaches of systems biology, quantitative cell biology, physics, cell biology, proteomics (and other omics). He is also passionate about building a supportive scientific community and communicating science to the public.